1. Any Educator from University, College, School, freelancer can join IITA or IITA- Sports
2. A person directly involved in games and sports can join IITA-Sports
3. You can join IITA by filling membership form available at www.iita.co.in or www.krissgwalior.in (No other means will be entertained.)
4. Chancellors/Vice Chancellors/Principals/ shall be National Advisers for IITA.
5. Her/his minimum age should be 18+ years.
6. Initially membership will be given annually or Life time, after seeing contribution in edcation and for IITA/IITA-Sports, your responsibilities/posts can be increased. for life time membership one should serve IITA for minimum 05 years actively.
7. A magazine will be published by IITA on quarterly basis, you can send article before one month of publication.
8. It is compulsory to attend minimum two conferences in a year to each and every member of IITA.
9. To be a key note speaker for IITA in conferences, you must attend at the least 06 conferences. A certificate of Key note speaker shall be provided,
10. To be a panelist in IITA conferences one must attend at the least 03 IITA conferences.
11. 05 national and 02 international conferences shall be held in a year in different countries and different states of India to explore new horizons in education.
12. Your appointment/membership shall be purely on honorary basis.
13. You will, in no case deemed to be an employee of IITA.
14. IITA will not entertain any claim out of the preview of this authorization.
15. You can recommend to appoint, President(01), Vice President (Max 05), Joint Secretary (1), Secretary (1), Cashier (1), (Max 50 at distt level), Members district/city advisor for IITA.
16. On your recommendation appointment letter and an I- card shall be issued.
17. This appointment will be valid for one year.
18. After successful completion of 1st year, responsibilities can be given in next year.
19. You can ask any Educator from university, college, school to be a member of IITA by filling a membership form; link is available at www.krissgwalior.in and www.iita.co.in .
20. You are authorizes to plan for any Educational Activity like workshop, conference at city/district/state level with prior written permission and with a proper plan.
21. Membership shall be confirmed after depositing a membership fee.
22. IITA has right to give membership or not.
23. IITA whatsap group are made in every state. All educators are requested to join the whatsapp group. Please share only education related material. No wishes, no photo, no cut n paste messages.
24. Kindly read and acknowledge the points, once you send back the letter of acceptance, your appointment letter and I- card will be issued and can be posted in social media.
25. You can not join similar Edcational organization. Before joining you have to take written permission from IITA, otherwise your membership may be terminated with immediate effect.
26.To be a part of any event of similar educational organization you have to take written permission from IITA.